Monday, July 25, 2011

Lots of Love

Here are some pictures of some things you love
after church, playing in the bushes
wearing Mommy and Daddy's shoes

cheesing for Ms. Stacey
after playing in the sprinkler, you went potty, read a book, and ate cookies (all at the same time)

being silly
(Kamryn's birthday)

playing with new friends

art projects
beating up Mommy
speaks for itself
cake (as long as it's not chocolate)
getting into mischief
being cute (ok, so I love that)
you also love teasing you alligator with cookies, singing Usher and Bieber, making videos of yourself on the computer, shaking your booty, your family and staying up late (they usually go hand in hand),

and best of all, 

I love you Buddy,