Age: 2
Astrological sign: Scorpio (and I fit that to a tee)
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Favorite Drink: Vitamin Water (Pop's ardy)
Favorite Food: macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, pizza
Special Talent: break dancing
Hobbies: cuddling, falling into soft things on purpose, making people laugh
One word to describe me: Fiesty
Favorite TV Show: Barney, Super Why, Sesame Street
Favorite Song: "Baby" by Justin Bieber and "DJ Got Us Falling in Love"
Things I Love: Peek-a-boo, running, climbing, and babies
Things I Hate: Getting my diaper changed! Don't fence me in people!
Best Friends: Wyatt and Haven
Best Friends: Wyatt and Haven