You are crying in your swing because you are super overtired :( Too bad the Mariachi band isn't still playing. We went to La Parilla for dinner tonight and you feel asleep to the live Mariachi band; they even played "rock a bye baby" for you. The minute they stopped playing, you started crying and once they started again, you fell back to sleep. I told you that you loved music! Ok, I am going to pick you up....
So it is Monday morning. when you get upset, all you want is Mommy. Something about the way I hold you, I guess. You fall asleep the minute I hold you. Last night, you were screaming in your crib and Daddy was trying so hard to put you "back nigh night" and once he gave you to me, you were asleep. Your connection to me is fascinating and amazing. What a privilege it is to be your mommy. Of course, you love your Daddy too. He is the fun guy. I swear he is going to have issues disciplining you when you get older.
Anyway, you were 8 weeks yesterday and will be 2 months old this week! Whoa! You get your shots next week and I can promise I will cry. Yesterday was a great day for you. You rolled over AND smiled at me. You officially are out of your preemie clothes. You are just t
oo tall now. Your legs have really filled out too. The picture on the left was taken when you were one week old. The picture on the right in from today!

The doctor started you on a new reflux medicine and I hope it starts working soon. I change your outfits twice a day because of your spit up and sometimes you cry when you eat :(
Mason, you are a talker! At night, we can hear you in your room talking to yourself. I will send Daddy in to make sure you aren't awake and about to fuss and he said your eyes are closed! You talk yourself to sleep. I can't wait until you have words and I know what you are saying :)
Oh, HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is now 2010 and to celebrate, we went to a bar and grille with your friends Benjamin and Raegan and listened to live music. You were so distracted, you wouldn't even eat.

You in your new year's outfit! So handsome in a tux!
I love you baby and am looking forward to watching you grow this new year,
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