Just wanted to fill you in on a few little things. Brushing your teeth is getting quite difficult. I use a finger brush and my finger bleeds 95% of the time because you bite so hard! You now have 3 back molars and 2 bottom canines. Seems like they all popped through while you were sick (good timing).
A few days ago you met a new friend, Paxton, who is only a week old! To be honest, you were way more interested in the dog and the cage but the first time you really noticed him you looked at him and said, "hi" in a gentle little voice. I almost cried.
You also got to play with Haven at the park this week.
You want to be outside all the time. Daddy and I love that you like to be out so much but it's the bringing you in that's tough. You could rake the yard for a straight hour! Seriously you come downstairs in the morning and before we even talk breakfast, you are standing at the back door!
You wake up between 7-7:30 and cry for your paci (like there isn't 5 in your crib) once or twice a night. Makes Daddy and I sad. Don't get me wrong, we love you but we need sleep (going on 3 years no sleep so at this point there is no sleep in sight).
You continue to love singing (you say, "old macdonald very clearly), Super Why, and your movie. When you are watching your movie, you love to lounge like a bump on a log sometimes with your head in my lap (love). Anytime I say the word, "music" you put your hands together like you want to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider or you point to the computer and we jam out to Justin Bieber (I LOVE him!) or Dr. Jean.
Today you hung out with Memaw and Grandaddy while Mommy was at work and passed out in the swing! They sure know how to keep you busy. You went to see your Great Granny and she is so excited you will be spending Saturdays with them! While we were there, you started saying, "Granddaddy" plain as day. You love it over there!
We received an invitation to meet an agent from a prestigious modeling agency in Atlanta today. Of course that doesn't mean we will in fact be represented but once they meet you, I imagine they will jump to (even if they don't, we are still working with Ms. Stacy)! Honestly, I am not sure we would even do it if asked. Typically agencies require an exclusive agreement and I really like working with the people we work with now. I imagine your Dad is the most excited about all of this modeling, you look just like him!
Love you,
p.s. you tried a Krispy Kreme doughnut for the first time today and LOVED it!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Take the Plunge
Yesterday at the shoot, Stacy said I really needed to get your haircut before Thursday's shoot. Dad and I knew it was coming so we agreed with her and Grandma and I took you to Pigtails and Crewcuts for your very first haircut!
Ms. Gwen was great. We just kept feeding you cookies (that is why you look like a chipmunk in the pictures) and she was talking you through what she was doing and you just chilled!
You look adorable. I really don't think you will be called a girl anymore. You look even more like Daddy and just too much like a big boy!
Yesterday at the shoot, Stacy said I really needed to get your haircut before Thursday's shoot. Dad and I knew it was coming so we agreed with her and Grandma and I took you to Pigtails and Crewcuts for your very first haircut!
Ms. Gwen was great. We just kept feeding you cookies (that is why you look like a chipmunk in the pictures) and she was talking you through what she was doing and you just chilled!
bye bye mullet |
You look adorable. I really don't think you will be called a girl anymore. You look even more like Daddy and just too much like a big boy!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Too much fun
Boo Boo,
We have had so much fun the past few days. From playing outside, to Mommy and Mason cuddle fest 2011 on the couch two days in a row, we just couldn't be happier. Since you love being outside and like Daddy, we figured we'd put you to work!
Today you had a shoot for 4 toys by Bright Start. You looked adorable and were pretty defiant (stiffening up combined with flimsy limb....scary for Mommy on set), but Grandma said they got a few great shots. All that matters!
Leaving you with a video from"batting practice."
In the semi-potty training news, you peed in the potty this morning. This evening you went into the bathroom and tapped on the seat. Since I too am new at this I just kind of moved you to the side. Then you squat down and pee in your diaper. Sorry buddy. Sometimes I forget how smart you are!
p.s. I am seriously diggin' when the two of us sit on the couch and you look at me then lay your head on my shoulder and it just keeps repeating. Then we giggle and give love. Ahh! Love you!
We have had so much fun the past few days. From playing outside, to Mommy and Mason cuddle fest 2011 on the couch two days in a row, we just couldn't be happier. Since you love being outside and like Daddy, we figured we'd put you to work!
last year on Feb. 20th |
Today you had a shoot for 4 toys by Bright Start. You looked adorable and were pretty defiant (stiffening up combined with flimsy limb....scary for Mommy on set), but Grandma said they got a few great shots. All that matters!
like my foot in the shot? thank God for cropping |
this is the casting sheet along with all the info for the day. so organized! |
you aren't modeling the ice cream cone. they are going to photoshop in the bee ball in the picture above. |
you did some pictures without your "sister" too |
In the semi-potty training news, you peed in the potty this morning. This evening you went into the bathroom and tapped on the seat. Since I too am new at this I just kind of moved you to the side. Then you squat down and pee in your diaper. Sorry buddy. Sometimes I forget how smart you are!
p.s. I am seriously diggin' when the two of us sit on the couch and you look at me then lay your head on my shoulder and it just keeps repeating. Then we giggle and give love. Ahh! Love you!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Spring Fever
I am not going to lie, I have had my doubts about medical professionals over diagnosing and prescribing medications for conditions that they aren't even sure the child has. When Diane told me you had the flu and a sinus infection and prescribed all that medicine and pain reliever, I was very skeptical. I was proved wrong. Just a few days in you have no fever and are back to Mason. No runny nose or anything. Praise God.
Since you have been feeling so good we have been able to take advantage of the amazing weather we have had. I had a friend cut down almost all of the trees in the backyard and I moved your treehouse and house onto the porch and we have been out back ever since. The other night you just stood by the door. You LOVED it. Needless to say we are so ready for spring!
In other news, you have starting using the potty. I know, crazy! Yesterday morning, Daddy got up with you and let me sleep in. I heard you two come upstairs and Daddy turn on the shower. Then Daddy yelled, " YOU WENT PEE PEE ON THE POTTY!" I shot out of bed and joined in the celebration. Daddy said he figured he'd set you on the potty and patronize my practice. Within a few seconds, it happened! Fast forward to yesterday evening. Daddy took you home from dinner and after he changed your diaper he said he could tell you had to go potty. He asked you then sat you on the potty and you went instantly. Crazy! By no means are we full-on potty training but we are so excited that you seem to be interested in the idea.
Yesterday I took you to the mall. They have a kid play area and of course, you had a good time. All of the children were older and you really just barked at them and giggled and followed them around. While we were there, I asked you if you wanted a cracker. You said loud and clear, "cracka." Alright, you get a cracker. Later I handed you your sippy cup and I could see it was getting in the way of your playing. You walked over to me, smiled, and said, "ho dis." Sure buddy, I'll hold your cup.
Love you,
I am not going to lie, I have had my doubts about medical professionals over diagnosing and prescribing medications for conditions that they aren't even sure the child has. When Diane told me you had the flu and a sinus infection and prescribed all that medicine and pain reliever, I was very skeptical. I was proved wrong. Just a few days in you have no fever and are back to Mason. No runny nose or anything. Praise God.
Since you have been feeling so good we have been able to take advantage of the amazing weather we have had. I had a friend cut down almost all of the trees in the backyard and I moved your treehouse and house onto the porch and we have been out back ever since. The other night you just stood by the door. You LOVED it. Needless to say we are so ready for spring!
In other news, you have starting using the potty. I know, crazy! Yesterday morning, Daddy got up with you and let me sleep in. I heard you two come upstairs and Daddy turn on the shower. Then Daddy yelled, " YOU WENT PEE PEE ON THE POTTY!" I shot out of bed and joined in the celebration. Daddy said he figured he'd set you on the potty and patronize my practice. Within a few seconds, it happened! Fast forward to yesterday evening. Daddy took you home from dinner and after he changed your diaper he said he could tell you had to go potty. He asked you then sat you on the potty and you went instantly. Crazy! By no means are we full-on potty training but we are so excited that you seem to be interested in the idea.
Yesterday I took you to the mall. They have a kid play area and of course, you had a good time. All of the children were older and you really just barked at them and giggled and followed them around. While we were there, I asked you if you wanted a cracker. You said loud and clear, "cracka." Alright, you get a cracker. Later I handed you your sippy cup and I could see it was getting in the way of your playing. You walked over to me, smiled, and said, "ho dis." Sure buddy, I'll hold your cup.
Love you,
Saturday, February 19, 2011
God Bless this Mess
Mommy is so thankfully that even though you are sick frequently, you are a healthy little boy and recover quickly. This past week after a cranky park date with Haven and Wyatt, the doctor announced you have the flu AND a sinus infection.
Runny nose - 2 weeks (assumed teething...wrong)
Diaper rash - 2 days (teething. went away. came back a little because of antibiotics)
High fever - 2 days
Dry heaving - 2 days (morning of appointment and morning after)
Cough - 4 days (not horrible just from all the drainage)
Loss of appetite - 5 days (beginning 2 days before the appointment, you wouldn't eat anything. maybe a cookie, banana, or cheese. maybe.
Back to the park, we knew something was up. The two of us had a picnic before Haven and Wyatt arrived and I bought Chick-fil-a for us. You ate a total of 1 strawberry. That was it. You had fun but were extremely whiny and didn't like the slide (healthy Mason LOVES the slide).
You are on Omniceft once a day for in infection, Tamiflu for the flu (duh), and Ms. Diane gave you a new, stronger prescription for your eczema since the other didn't do much. Until today, you were on a strict 3 hour regimen of Tylenol and Ibuprofen. If we let it go even 30 minutes longer, you could feel your temperature rise.
At the doctor, you were the saddest I have even seen you (no lie). You kept curling up on Grandma and I not wanting anything but to cuddle in a ball (total fetal position). You even fell asleep in the middle of the appointment.
You weighed exactly 22 lbs. You are feeling much better and I hope it continues. Your 15 month appointment is soon. Please pray you have no reaction to the shot. I don't know if you or I can handle more illness right now.
Love you, Mommy
Mommy is so thankfully that even though you are sick frequently, you are a healthy little boy and recover quickly. This past week after a cranky park date with Haven and Wyatt, the doctor announced you have the flu AND a sinus infection.
Runny nose - 2 weeks (assumed teething...wrong)
Diaper rash - 2 days (teething. went away. came back a little because of antibiotics)
High fever - 2 days
Dry heaving - 2 days (morning of appointment and morning after)
Cough - 4 days (not horrible just from all the drainage)
Loss of appetite - 5 days (beginning 2 days before the appointment, you wouldn't eat anything. maybe a cookie, banana, or cheese. maybe.
Back to the park, we knew something was up. The two of us had a picnic before Haven and Wyatt arrived and I bought Chick-fil-a for us. You ate a total of 1 strawberry. That was it. You had fun but were extremely whiny and didn't like the slide (healthy Mason LOVES the slide).
impossible to get a picture with a 3 of you looking |
![]() |
your first kiss. and I didn't even get her name |
At the doctor, you were the saddest I have even seen you (no lie). You kept curling up on Grandma and I not wanting anything but to cuddle in a ball (total fetal position). You even fell asleep in the middle of the appointment.
You weighed exactly 22 lbs. You are feeling much better and I hope it continues. Your 15 month appointment is soon. Please pray you have no reaction to the shot. I don't know if you or I can handle more illness right now.
Love you, Mommy
Monday, February 14, 2011
My little Peanut,
Happy Hallmark Holiday! 4 lllooonnnggg years ago (lol), this was Daddy and I's first holiday and since we were just friends, a simple Happy Hallmark Holiday text was suffice. Still today we don't make a big deal out of it. Of course before Grandma left on vacation, she made a big deal out of it baking you a mini heart cake with conversation hearts, giving you a stuffed monkey complete with fuzzy heart, and she along with Great Grandma, got you a card. I just like the excuse to dress you in my version of a pirate valentine.
first time exploring the yard |
yummy dirt |
lots of hair! |
moved the water table outside and obviously, it went over quite well |
Yesterday we headed to Stride Rite to purchase your second pair of shoes. You measured a size 4.5 wide so we bought a size 5. They are big boy running shoes with traction. Hope they are ready for all your action!
On Friday, you started not only shaking your head no but saying it along with it. You use the motion/word combo correctly 75% of the time. The other 25% is times when I ask you if you want something and you say no then continue to haggle for it. Since we are trying to teach you how to really use the word, we are withholding until you say more or yeah (which you inevitably to a minute later). You are also started using more again and have started saying all done (when I ask if you are all done because you are throwing your food on the floor).
Happy Valentine's Day Booger!
Love you,
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Dreaded Ex
We don't have to wait for you to get older to deal with the dread ex. Mommy and Grandma both have to deal with it everyday it was only a matter of time before it would strike you. I am talking about eczema. After hearing you couldn't have athlete's foot (the cream didn't work anyway) and treating you with powder (which didn't help either), I noticed your hands were staring to peel. Mommy's intuition stepped in and I took you to Dr. Saade this morning. You weighed in at 22lbs. 12 ounces and what do you know? You have joined me and Gram in the dreaded ex club. You specifically have dyshidrotic dermatitis. Amazingly, he prescribed a cream that I put over your feet and hands along with Aquaphor and within one application, it looks better! Yeah! You also have a little on your tummy I will start treating tomorrow.
In other news, your nose is quite runny from that dang molar, your hair is getting longer by the minute, and I love you very much. That is all.
We don't have to wait for you to get older to deal with the dread ex. Mommy and Grandma both have to deal with it everyday it was only a matter of time before it would strike you. I am talking about eczema. After hearing you couldn't have athlete's foot (the cream didn't work anyway) and treating you with powder (which didn't help either), I noticed your hands were staring to peel. Mommy's intuition stepped in and I took you to Dr. Saade this morning. You weighed in at 22lbs. 12 ounces and what do you know? You have joined me and Gram in the dreaded ex club. You specifically have dyshidrotic dermatitis. Amazingly, he prescribed a cream that I put over your feet and hands along with Aquaphor and within one application, it looks better! Yeah! You also have a little on your tummy I will start treating tomorrow.
In other news, your nose is quite runny from that dang molar, your hair is getting longer by the minute, and I love you very much. That is all.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Can you imagine it?
Can you imagine the perfect place for a toddler? Mess? No problem. They clean it. You like balls, trains, water, and moon sand? They have it. Is the kid a wanderer? Plenty of kid-friendly carpet. We went to that place today along with Jakson and Wyatt (and a super cute surprise guest); Imagine It! Children's Museum.
From balls falling from the sky to plastic rakes and wooden train tables, to playing with Ben Affleck's kid in moon sand, we did it all.
I loved watching you play with that weird stuff. You were digging in it and really playing with it. That gets me very excited about the beach this summer (and again in November).
Can you imagine the perfect place for a toddler? Mess? No problem. They clean it. You like balls, trains, water, and moon sand? They have it. Is the kid a wanderer? Plenty of kid-friendly carpet. We went to that place today along with Jakson and Wyatt (and a super cute surprise guest); Imagine It! Children's Museum.
From balls falling from the sky to plastic rakes and wooden train tables, to playing with Ben Affleck's kid in moon sand, we did it all.
yum |
double yum....I mean, you loved the moon sand... |
After moon sand, you played Picasso then we headed to the water area, dress up, and back to your favorite...moon sand.
see it on my lips? nope, it wasn't edible. |
all by yourself |
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